Ini adalah pesanan ilmiah daripada the Bride untuk semua. Silalah kongsi pesanan ini untuk manfaat semua yang belum tau pasal ni. Tenkiu.

Hi there Parents!
Thinking of activities to keep your kids occupied this school holiday?
Looking for ways to keep them entertained yet learning beneficial lessons at the same time? Well look no further!
SIDC will be bringing you Kids & Cash Holiday Fun-Time!!
A fun-filled money management programme designed specially for kids aged 9 to 12,
Kids & Cash Holiday Fun-Time promises hours of fun games, great prizes and educational lessons for life!
Kids will be taught how to :
- Save the S.M.A.R.T. way
- Create a Money Plan
- Create a Budget
- Differentiate between Needs & Wants
- Track their Spending
Not only that, your kids will also get a limited edition Kids & Cash goody bag and refreshments will be served!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up your kids for Kids & Cash Holiday Fun-Time today!!
For more info, visit or call 03 6204 8889.
Click here to download the registration form.
Blog adjourned!
1 obiter dictum:
HIIIIIIIIII ADAM!!! hehe saje jer nak menyemak kat sini. since u've got no chatbox. :P .
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