Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don’t Play With "FA YER"!!?

Baby Shopping!
Even though you have no idea how your current fetus is gonna look like when she becomes a baby girl...
Hmm… The term above is not quite right. We cannot go shop a baby. We can shop for a baby.
Even though babies wouldn’t even know the difference between Anakku and Osh Kosh B’gosh, brand-new stuff and hand-me-down stuff, bright coloured and dull coloured, cutey-pinkey-polkadots dresses and being left naked with a blanket.

Dot is still a 6 month old fetus and she already has a super-cute bag pack for her milk. The Bride just couldn’t resist it… Who could??!

That’s what parents are for. Parent’s friends and family members can help them buy stuff too. That’s what Parent’s friends and family members are for too!

Parents are supposed to protect their precious children.
This includes not leaving their babies near fire. Fire is hot. The baby might be uncomfortably hot to say the least. Common sense right?

One of the most amusing reminders that I have come across while happily shopping with the Bride for Dot happened last night. We were at a shop and we saw this pretty-small-piece-of-clothing-for-the-baby-to-wear. It says:



I wanted to know the size of this dress. So I flicked the top part of the dress and I found “THE REMINDER”.
This was what I saw:

Must you still be reminded of this?

Hmm.. I guess this tag should remind me not to place this piece of clothing (either when my baby girl is wearing it or not) anywhere near fire because without this tag, I might intentionally want to place it somewhere near fire...

Blog adjourned.

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