So I went to Ah Chong, my family handphone tauke, and got myself a black Nokia E-71 aka the Blackberry killer!

BEST Giller…
(walaupun belum reti pakai…)
And then I attended the Knowledge and Arts Tour organized by YMP. See the last two post about K&A. I was supposed to moderate a session but the circumstances was not that suitable for me so I had to let go of the idea of moderating. It would have been fun though… it would certainly remind me of the glorious Hijrah Remaja days. Avoiding unforeseen wrath is better than just bulldozing without any heed of your surroundings right? As what MJ would say, “Just Beat It!” hehe. Nasib baik ada Bidan terjun… Terima Kasih Daniel Zain...
Anyway, below is the text that I typed during one of the many K&A tour sessions with my E71. I didn’t upload it before as I was still wasn’t sure how to upload it and was still configuring the internet system.
Dated 12.7.2009, edited 21.7.2009
“I'm writing this post using my new Nokia E71. Whee!
Anyhoo, I’m at University Malaya attending one of YMP's Knowledge & Arts tour session. Hamza Andreas is the speaker and he is explaining the arguments to be used to counter the idea that God does not exist. Slightly heavy for me on a Sunday morning.
It has been a looong week of waking up at 6.30am and sleeping way past midnight for my worldly and hereafter affairs. Tiring but certainly satisfying! Although I would not want to continue this routine everyday. May Allah bless us all for this sacrifice and make K&A a successful event.”
Haha... bunyi macam "dear diary" sort of thing kan?
Bestlah phone baru ni…
E71 adjourns…
1 obiter dictum:
heheheh, you have a new best friend... your phone!!
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