Two years ago, on this day, I shook hand with the local Imam for the Bride’s hand in marriage.
Today, Alhamdulillah, we celebrate our second year anniversary with Alisha Alhabshi.
After getting some help from my cousin and his sister-in-law (big thanks Azmi and Lana!!!) I made some enquiry to the RedRibbon with some specific requests. RedRibbon is the pioneer and Malaysia’s leading online supplier of unique gifts. All I had to do was to send them an email saying requesting for their help for a relaxing couple spa with a Jacuzzi in the same room. (Hehe, kalau separate Jacuzzi boringla!) Within one day I received a reply with two options that were well within my budget and complied all that I had earlier requested.
I took one of the offers and paid. It was the “Velvet Indulgence Couple Spa” at the Jojoba Spa at Berjaya Times Square Hotel. I have never been there before but since it was recommended by RedRibbon, I thought it can’t be that bad.
The Bride knew nothing about this but I did told her that I’m planning something for “us”. She kept on trying to get me to spill the beans and inform her what was my surprise.
Of course I did not give in and lose the satisfaction of torturing her sweet little curiosity! I told her that I had some plans for her on Sunday morning so that she could book her parents to babysit Alisha. I told her we would be away for a few good hours and would only be back after lunch.
Other than that, I kept feeding her with all sorts of nonsense like how we would need to walk for about 2km so she needs loose clothes and comfy shoes. That actually I planned for some golf classes so that we could spend some quality time golfing. That actually it was not golf lessons but a mini golf game. No, actually it was not mini golf but maxi golf. That we could opt for bowling or archery if she was not keen on golfing. That the place is something like Club Med but since its in KL, it’s called Club Crazy.
Last night, as I was also rolling on the bed, I told her that she should at least give golf a try and not brush it aside as boring even before we played it although I know for a fact that she has never liked golf.
I’m quite sure she didn’t know whether to believe me or not for the whole time.
So off we went out on our surprise little date this morning. As we reached Berjaya Time Square, the Bride thought that I was taking her to the indoor theme park. I just smiled and walked with her to the hotel and up to the 15th floor. At JoJoBa’s entrance, I told her that I’m meeting a friend there for something but that didn’t work anymore. Someone was too excited to even care if it was just another bullshit. :)
*The couple room*

*The romantic togeder-geder Jacuzzi*

After the whole thing, we had steamboat lunch at Johnny’s and came back home feeling full, pampered and looking radiant!
Blog adjourned.
4 obiter dictum:
Happy Anniversary and May your marriage be blessed with love and joy. AMIN.
happy anniversary! semoga bahagia sampai ke syurga ;)
thanks for the fantastic surprise love!!
Nurul: Tq!
Marliza: Amin. You too. Congrats dapat anak!
Twiggy: Pleasure is all mine.. :)
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