Saturday, May 29, 2010

Your Respective Chambers

Ladies And Gentlemen,
May I present… "Your Respective Chambers"…
It’s something that the Bride was kind enough to put it for me so that we could see where my readers come from. It is actually an old thing but for In My Chambers, it is something new and I am extremely excited about it!
If you take a peek at the Bride’s page, you would notice it there too.
It all started when the Bride and I were seething through In My Chamber’s recent visitor activity. The Bride said that I could see where my readers are coming from. Apart from the majority Malaysian readers, we discovered that there were also readers coming from Poland, UK, Norway, Jordan, Russia, Canada, USA, Netherlands (I hope you guys win the World Cup this year! I’m all for Holland and Netherlands this year!! Hehe), Australia, Singapore, Egypt, Germany and New Zealand, just to name a few. I never knew that this blog had achieved its international mark.
On that note, I am certainly pleased to welcome you all to In My Chambers!
I’m not sure about other bloggers but I somehow felt a tinge of satisfaction knowing that this humble blog of mine receives so many international visitors.
So, following the footsteps of the Bride on her blog, I managed to persuade the Bride to add a map on In My Chambers as well. As I watched her expert fingers typing and clicking here and there, all I had to do was to choose the type of map that I wanted, the colour of the mark and where I wanted it on my page, and hey presto!
There it is! 
I have to admit that I’m a sucker in designing stuff. Even the template of this blog was the result of the Bride’s master craft. For this (and practically every other thing in my life) I am much obliged to the Bride!
There you are Ladies and Gentlemen, a new gadget to show the world where your learned chambers are from. I hope you would all continue to enjoy reading what I have to post as much as I enjoy drafting it for you.
Feel free to drop your points of information as and when you like. Rest assured that I would approve all of your comments. I insisted the Bride to put the comment approval system only to weed out spam comments only.
Last but not least... I am glad that you came and mark your Chambers here.
Blog adjourned!
Go Holland Go!!

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